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Upcoming Events


Concerts and theater performances

R $ 30 whole
R $ 15 * half-price

* Students and seniors.

Individual tickets

Ticket office:
Cultural Center SESIMINAS Tiradentes Yves Alves.

Rua Direita, 168 - Historic Center

Monday to Wednesday; Sunday - from 10am to 6pm;

Thursday to Saturday - from 10am to 10pm


Museu Casa Padre Toledo

R$ 10 full price
R $ 5 * half price

*Students and seniors 

Individual tickets


People with paid tickets for the Festival Artes Vertentes pay half-price at this museum. Tiradentes residents have free admission to all museums in the city.

Museu Casa Padre Toledo

Rua Padre Toledo – Historic Center

From Wednesday to Sunday, from 9AM until 5PM


Free entrance

  • Exhibitions at the Centro Cultural SESIMINAS Yves Alves

  • Literature program

  • Cinema sessions 

  • Cycle of ideas of the Festival Artes Vertentes program.



​20% of the tickets for the musical and scenic program of the Festival Artes Vertentes will be offered as a courtesy to students and university professors. Tickets may be collected on the day of each event upon presentation of a valid document. Ticket distribution ends half an hour before the start of each show.


We inform that after the beginning of the show, the public will only be allowed to enter during breaks.

More information:

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